
在Firstrade我们相信,创造一个更美好的世界是每个企业的责任。自成立至今,公司一直秉持“热心公益,回馈社会” 的信念,积极参与社区及世界各地举办的各类公益活动。通过企业自身做起,带动员工与客户一起共同为创建健康,向上和谐的社会贡献出微薄之力。





奥兰多, 美国佛罗里达州)——飓风伊恩于 9 月 28 日以 4 级风暴的形式登陆美国佛罗里达州迈尔斯堡以西,造成许多人死亡,并对沿途城市造成灾难性破坏。之后,许多佛罗里达州居民经历了流离失所、洪水、停电和房屋损坏。

Firstrade 与该地区的主要瓶装水经销商 Blue Triton 和迈尔斯堡最大的教堂(First Assembly of God - 一个官方救济配送中心)密切合作,为迈尔斯堡的受灾社区提供 23 托盘(pallet)的饮用水。

「直接与当地社区合作省略了官方援助程序所可能造成的延误,让我们能够更快地为受影响的社区提供救济。」Firstrade的首席执行长 John Liu 说。





除了免费派送自拍杆,我们还将送出5只Fitbit Flex Tracker运动手环给5位在我们Facebook页面分享当天活动照片,且得到最多Like的参与者。

预防及治愈乳癌不是一朝一夕的努力就可以达成的。除了贊助此次步行活动的捐款以外,Firstrade还将10月设为“防治乳癌”主题宣传月,更会以每一个有用 MAKINGSTRIDES 活动代码开户成功的客户名义,额外的向乳癌防治基金捐款$5。


Japan Tsunami Relief

March - April 2011

On March 11, 2011 a 9.0 magnitude earthquake occurred off the coast of Japan. This triggered a tsunami with waves as high as 133 feet resulting in tens of thousands of deaths and injuries and hundreds of thousands displaced from their homes. After the disaster, Firstrade was there to help those in need get medical treatment, food, water and shelter.

We started our initiative by setting up a fund through the Red Cross and making a donation. Once word got out about our contribution, our amazing employees made it clear they wanted to take part and they began donating to the fund. In order to give our accountholders the opportunity to contribute, we also set up a link from our homepage to the Firstrade page on the Red Cross site.

Finally, we offered free wire transfers allowing our accountholders to send money to banks in Japan for a month at no charge. This ensured that every dollar sent went right to those who needed it most.

Right on Track

Relay for Life, Flushing NY | June 2010

The American Cancer Society held its annual Relay For Life event at the Bayside Athletic Field in Flushing, NY, for communities around the world to honor the lives of people who have fought hard against the destructive disease. Since 1985, Relay For Life has become an important yearly tradition wherein participants highlight the central theme - to celebrate the rebirth of the survivors, to remember the lives lost, and to fight back against cancer for a better future.

Firstrade Securities has maintained its own tradition of being a proud sponsor of the life-changing event for several years. In 2010, Firstrade was honored to be the major sponsor of Relay for Life. John Liu, CEO of Firstrade Securities, gave the keynote speech wherein he advocated the importance of prevention and treatment of cancer.

All funds raised were contributed to the American Cancer Society.The Relay holds special inspirational events keeping in line with the theme of “Celebrate, Remember and Fight Back.”